Sunday night I packed a few belongings into a small backpack and hopped on the motorcycle with Raynold. We headed to Saint Raphael where the water system we are building is nearly 40 percent complete. Our task for the week was to bury a water pipe, cast in concrete, under a small stream. We stayed the night at a simple missionary compound on the outskirts of town. It was back to Peace Corps-like living conditions, a sweaty mattress, bucket showers and crackers for dinner. I wondered how many more years my old bones will take dumping cold cups of water on my head while monster-size cockroaches crawl over my feet.
5 AM is the wake-up call. On the road by 5:30, these guys are serious. We had scouted the plan the night before and knew where to start. Dig a new canal for the river to flow along one side. Build a dam at the head of the crossing and another to hold the water out of our trench. There were diggers everywhere, it was chaos. Don't tell me Haitians are lazy when I see 30 of them banging at rocks with picks and shovels at 6 AM. But we only have room for 10 diggers at the crossing. Raynold did his best to widdle the list to 11 men. But there were arguements all morning from those who weren't chosen.
By mid-afternoon we had diverted the river, dug the trench and were ready to lay the pipe. But our work was interrupted by a deluge of rain. We had maybe 2 inches of rain in an hour. All our meager efforts to dam and divert the water were nearly washed away. We retreated to our homes for the night, cold, wet and discouraged.
The next morning the same scene, 30 guys fighting for now 8 positions. Raynold again did his best to mitigate the situation. But the arguing went on all morning, an hour of work, an hour of arguing until it finally came to a head. A mob formed and the ring leader slashed the tires of our 4-wheeler. I had a feeling the situation was going downhill so positioned myself well out of the rucus. I was sitting on a hill overlooking the now vacant project site when Raynold approached rather distraught. He said, "They cut the tires!" What do you mean, they cut the tires? "They cut the tires of the 4-wheeler because they are mad, but at least they didn't burn it to the ground." I guess it could always be worse in Haiti.
I said, first call Henry and tell them what they did to the 4-wheeler. Then get a local mayor and a work supervisor out here to mitigate the argument. And finally, put together a written contract that nobody can argue. This is all our standard operating procedure but for some reason Raynold wasn't following it here. He followed orders and soon the men were back working, the police arrived, arrested the criminal and put him in jail with orders to repay the cost of 2 new tires. By the end of the day we had laid pipe across half the river and cast it in concrete.
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